Tuesday, June 23, 2009

To hear the song....click on link below


STILL waiting....

We are still waiting for the little guy to get here.  It is almost unbearable and sooo difficult to be patient.  It reminds me of a song by Animal Liberation Orchestra "Waiting for Jaden".  

The telephone was ringing Grandparents
were frantically running about
And everyone kept asking
"When's that baby coming out?"
Well, Earth Day 2000 was her due date
But by May the 4th, Jaden was late

So we were waiting, waiting for Jaden, oooh...

We wanted to have you naturally
So we searched out all the possible remedies 
Hot sex, nipple stimulation, castor oil, and gory movies
And by that Friday
They were threatening to induce
And we pleaded with you to come out
And call it a truce

Jaden can't you hear what we say, your mother and I want you to come out and play

It was Cinco de Mayo
And while patriots were cruising the boulevard
Your mother was pushing
And she was pushing hard
The stroke of midnight
And she pushed once more
And at 12:02 on May the 6th

Jaden was born

Now were elated, elated for Jaden, oooh...


Anyways, we will be going to the Dr tomorrow morning and will know then if we are to be induced. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Little scare today

Went to the hospital today because I am paranoid and had not felt the baby move as much as he normally does.  Well, everything ended up being just fine.  He was just sleeping or not as active today for some reason.  Of course, when we got there Wyatt started to move alot and was very active.  He already is scaring his mom!  All the vitals checked out great and we were sent home in less than an hour.   I really like the labor and delivery room nurses.  They are awesome!

This is what happens when I get bored....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Middle Name??

Ok folks,

Here is our list of middle names that we are thinking about

Fischer (this one is ALL Laura)
Theodore (not the fat chipmunk)
and (this one is ALL Corey... ) Tiberius.  Any guesses as to why he likes this name??? Yes I married a giant Star Trek nerd. :o)
Diva thinks that this is her new deluxe cat bed.  

The First Post

Hi Everyone!

I have decided to start a blog site for our soon to be new addition to our family, Wyatt Roelke. The middle name is still under heavy discussion!  I will post more on that later! :0)  Anyways, welcome to our blog!!  I will be posting updates and pictures, so check back often.  We both CANNOT wait till he gets here!  Only 1 week and 2 days left to go! Yeah!!!