Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wyatt Theodore Roelke has arrived!!!

Corey and I are so very happy to announce the arrival of our son Wyatt Theodore Roelke.  We were set to be induced on Monday July 6 but went into labor naturally on Friday July 3, 2009.  I had been having serious contractions off an on all day but they started to pick up in intensity around 8 pm.  By 10:30 pm were headed to the hospital because I was bent over in severe pain.  Upon arriving at the hospital we found out that I was only 2 cm dilated. Needless to say I had a mini meltdown because I was in so much pain and did not want to be sent home yet again.  Plus, I was positive that we were finally in real labor.  Well, the doctor on call said that if I changed in an hour we would be staying and that is exactly what happened.  In 45 min I progressed to 3 cm and they admitted us.  First, I must say that the nurses and doctors at Arlington Memorial Hospital were amazing.  They got us checked in and got me set up with epidural very quickly.  By 9 am July 4, 2009 I was ready to start pushing and push I did for an hour.  At this time my epidural had worn off and they did not want to give me anything because they wanted me to be able to push.  Needless to say I felt like climbing the walls.  Anyways, after an hour of pushing we had not made good progress and the nurse asked me if I would like help from the doctor.  I was ok with it as long as he did not use forceps.  They then busted out with the suction cup and after only 15 minutes of me pushing and the doctor pulling we got Wyatt out.  He was born at 10:17 a.m., weighed 8lbs 6oz., and was 21.5 in long.  He had a suction mark on his little head but by the next day the mark was hardly detectable.  It turns out that he had a very short umbilical cord so we would not have been able to get him out without help from the doctor.  Essentially he was tethered to my womb!  I will be posting many many photos so keep checking back for updates! 

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